Electronic Customs Data Processing System (EMDAS) and its sub-systems provide the possibility to submit the following customs declarations and documents for customs purposes electronically:

  • using Import Control System (IKS) – to submit the entry summary declaration;
  • using Automated Import system (AIS) – to submit the import declaration;
  • using Automated Export System (AES) – to submit the export and re-export declaration, the export declaration with the exit summary data, the re-export notification, the exit summary declaration;
  • using Transit Control System (TKS) – to submit the transit declaration and TIR data with the option to supplement them with data of summary (security) declarations;
  • using Manifests/Temporary Storage Module (MAN/PU) – to submit the (air) cargo manifest, the temporary storage declaration, the information related to accounting of goods placed under the temporary storage.

Connecting to EMDAS and its subsystems is provided via the SRS Electronic Declaration System (EDS).

In order to be registered in the EDS, a person may use such electronic authentification modes:

  • www.latvija.lv (a single state and municipal services’ portal);
  • eID (an identity card issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs);
  • an e-signature smart card (issued by the State Radio and Television Centre);
  • EDS ID (user’s ID and password combination).

Clients who wish to use EDMAS sub-systems by logging onto EDS  must submit “Application on determination of the users of information systems of the State Revenue Service” (see below)[1].

Registering for each EDMAS sub-system requires a separate application. Each application must be filled in completely and submitted:

  • electronically through EDS (select “Documents” – “From the form” – “Informācija VID Muitas pārvaldei (Information to the SRS National Customs Board)”) or by e-mail signed electronically to MP.lietvediba@vid.gov.lv,
  • with a hard copy signed at any SRS Client Service Centre, or
  • by non-residents at the National Customs Board, 1 Talejas iela, Riga (non-residents must present an identity document and enclose authorisation to act on behalf of the enterprise).

Acceptance of the application grants the authorised persons the right to change the rights of other users (view, alter, submit documents, access).

Customs declaration and other documents which the user submits via customs information systems, using electronic authentification means, have the same legal status as the hand-signed paper documents.

According to the EU legal requirements, the economic operators and other persons involved in the accomplishment of the customs formalities and communicating with customs authorities throughout the EU have to use the unique Economic Operators Registration Identification number – EORI number. Consequently, any person who conducts a business and is involved in the accomplishment of the customs formalities in order to access EMDAS must receive an EORI number. A person who does not conduct a business but needs to submit a customs declaration (for example, a natural person importing personal belongings under customs control) is granted a temporary number by connecting to EMDAS.

Information on the EORI number and its assigning procedure is published on the SRS homepage – section Сustoms > EORI[1].

Additional information can be obtained at: Customs information systems.

[1] Information available in Latvian