
Tax base

Progressive PIT:

  • income under EUR 105 300 — 25,5%
  • income from EUR 105 300 — 33%

1) Annual taxable income

2) Income from business activities

Additiona rate – 3% From the annual income over EUR 200 000

Salary tax:

25,5% —monthly income 


Income from employment or pensioni


Other incomes

25,5 % — income from capital

Total income (dividends, bank interest, life insurance policies, investments in private pension funds, life pension insurance policies, individual management of financial instruments)

25,5 %  A professional athlete's annual total wage income from professional sports

25,5 % – Royalties

25% - income from royalties

Royalties received from collective management groups

Royalties received till 31 December 2027 (excluding from collective management groups) as long as the receiver has not registered as self-employed

25,5 % —income from selling capital assets:

  • immovable property (including rights to acquire immovable property)
  • stocks, capital shares, common stocks, investments in a partnership, and other financial instruments
  • investment fund certificates and other transferable securities
  • debt instruments (promissory notes, deposit certificates, short-term debt instruments issued by companies) and other cash instruments quoted in money markets
  • undertaking within the meaning of the Commercial Law
  • objects of intellectual property
  • investment gold and other precious metals, business objects on forex exchange or commodity exchange

Deductions from the sales price of the purchase price and cost of investments in the capital asset during the period of ownership

20% (in 2025, 2026, 2027) Income from capital gain from capital assets that have been initiated by December 31, 2024, but not completed by December 31, 2024 and a declaration of income from capital gains has been submitted

10 %

  • earnings from non-registered business activities of which SRS has been notified
  • income from lumber sales and forest-growing
  • scrap metal sales

1)  Income from which immovable property tax is deducted

2)  Income from which expenses relating to forest restoration are deducted