Projektu aktualitātes

In order to enhance cooperation of law enforcement authorities in preventing and combating economic crimes, the State Revenue Service (SRS) in cooperation with the State Police is developing a unified criminal intelligence data exchange system. The unified data exchange system will include a digital data analytics tool and a digital support system of the National Criminal Intelligence Model of the SRS, which will be connected to the database of the State Police. Information analysts and special task experts will be trained to work with the system.

Training for special task experts is underway – it is planned to train 12 specialists.

Within the framework of the project, the development of the functionality of the software base system in accordance with the specifications and architecture description, as well as the development of the data exchange documentation and the data exchange system continues. Interdepartmental discussions are being conducted between the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, the State Police and the SRS on the procedure for data exchange.

The Law "On the State Revenue Service" is supposed to be supplemented with a new section "Information Systems of the State Revenue Service"; therefore, currently the Legal Procedures Development Group is continuing its work on the draft law and related documents and their harmonisation before forwarding to the Parliament for approval.

This is one of the two projects implemented by the SRS under the financial instrument of the European Economic Area for the period 2014-2021 within the framework of the co-financed programme "International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime". 

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