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Annual tax returns are submitted to SRS - private individuals declare their income for the taxation year as well as eligible expenses, benefits and the differentiated annual non-taxable minimum.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Private individuals and entrepreneurs, including farmers and fishers who pay income tax, submit returns through EDS.

    If the return is not submitted on time and SRS calculates a difference to be paid to the state, SRS informs the individual of the amount to be paid to the state.
    Amount must be paid into the single tax account as specified in the Law On Personal Income Tax.

    Private individuals who do not carry out any economic activity may submit a return to receive overpaid income tax for eligible deductions (education, medical and dental expenses, pension fund contributions, etc.).

    The annual tax return may be submitted within three years through EDS.

  2. Receipt of services
    The service is received as per request.

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