The external Union transit procedure allows the movement of non-Union goods between the customs authorities of the Union, excluding customs duties and commercial policy measures.
The internal Union transit procedure allows the movement of Union goods between the customs authorities of the Union through the territory of a third country without changing the customs status of the goods.
The common transit procedure applies to the transport of goods between the Member States of the European Union and the EBTA States (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland), the United Kingdom, Turkey, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine under the conditions of the Convention of 20 May 1987 on common transit procedures. The TIR procedure for the movement of goods in transit shall only apply where the transport of goods begins or ends outside the customs territory of the European Union or is carried out between two points of the customs territory of the European Union when crossing the territory of a third country.
In order to apply the customs procedure, a declaration shall be submitted in the section of the State Revenue Service (hereinafter - SRS) Electronic Declaration System (EDS). In the case of the TIR procedure, a TIR carnet shall also be drawn up and submitted.
Process description
Service requests
When applying customs procedures, the declarant must show the goods, customs declaration, customs debt guarantee, and corresponding documents at the control point.
Transit procedures are carried out electronically through EMDAS. Enterprises must complete the transit procedure using the "Transit merchant module" through EDS to be presented at customs control points.
Receipt of services
Service is received as per application.
Forms and other documents
- SRS website
- Muitas konvencija par starptautiskajiem preču pārvadājumiem, izmantojot TIR karneti (TIR-konvencija)
- Kārtība, kādā Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta elektroniskās deklarēšanas sistēmā tiek identificētas personas, kas iesniedz elektroniskos dokumentus
- Muitas procedūras – tranzīts – piemērošanas noteikumi
- Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2013.gada 9.oktobra Regula (ES) Nr.952/2013, ar ko izveido Savienības Muitas kodeksu
- Komisijas 2015.gada 24.novembra Īstenošanas regula Nr.2015/2447, ar ko paredz sīki izstrādātus noteikumus, kas vajadzīgi, lai īstenotu konkrētus noteikumus Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulā (ES) Nr.952/2013, ar ko izveido Savienības Muitas kodeksu
- Komisijas 2015.gada 28.jūlija Deleģētā regula (ES) Nr.2015/2446, ar ko papildina Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulu (ES) Nr.952/2013 attiecībā uz sīki izstrādātiem noteikumiem, kuri attiecas uz dažiem Savienības Muitas kodeksa noteikumiem
- Komisijas 2015.gada 17.decembra Deleģētā Regula (ES) Nr.2016/341, ar ko papildina Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulu (ES) Nr.952/2013 attiecībā uz pārejas noteikumiem, kurus paredz attiecībā uz konkrētiem Savienības Muitas Kodeksa noteikumiem....
- Muitas deklarācijas papildu aiļu aizpildīšanas un dabasgāzes un elektroenerģijas deklarēšanas kārtība
- Konvencija par kopīgu tranzīta procedūru