Re-export shall allow non-Union goods to be exported from the customs territory of the Union to non-EU countries.
Process description
Service requests
Goods scheduled to be re-exported must be declared. The person declaring the goods must:
(a) indicate the re-export declaration number MRN;
(b) indicate any discrepancies between the goods declared and released for export and the goods presented, including cases where goods are packed or packaged in containers before being presented at customs;
(C) if only some of the goods are declared, the declarant must indicate the quantities actually produced.
Where goods are presented in packages or as a container, package and container identification numbers must be presented.
Declarations are submitted electronically in the EMDAS section of the SRS Electronic Declaration System (EDS) ( – Customs data processing EMDAS – AES) if no special simplifications are provided.
Receipt of services
Service is received as per application
Forms and other documents
- SRS website
- Kārtība, kādā piesaka preču reeksportu un iesniedz reeksporta paziņojumu
- Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes 2013.gada 9.oktobra Regula (ES) Nr.952/2013, ar ko izveido Savienības Muitas kodeksu; VII sadaļas 3.nodaļa “Eksports un reeksports”
- Komisijas 2015.gada 24.novembra Īstenošanas regula (ES) Nr.2015/2447, ar ko paredz sīki izstrādātus noteikumus, kas vajadzīgi, lai īstenotu konkrētus noteikumus Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulā (ES) Nr.952/2013, ar ko izveido Savienības Muitas kodeksu
- Komisijas 2015.gada 28.jūlija Deleģētā regula (ES) Nr.2015/2446, ar ko papildina Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulu (ES) Nr.952/2013 attiecībā uz sīki izstrādātiem noteikumiem, kuri attiecas uz dažiem Savienības Muitas kodeksa noteikumiem
- Komisijas 2015.gada 17.decembra Deleģētā regula (ES) 2016/341, ar ko papildina Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regulu (ES) Nr.952/2013 attiecībā uz pārejas noteikumiem, kurus paredz attiecībā uz konkrētiem Savienības Muitas kodeksa noteikumiem..